Committee Overview

A Committee is a small group of people delegated to make decisions or gather information on behalf of a larger organization.

The Committee Module

The Committee Module in netFORUM stores information such as committee names, committee types, committee positions, and committee nomination statuses. The purpose of the Committee module is to allow users to manage committees, nominations, and participation related to committees.

Group Items

The Group Items within the Committees Module are:

Profile Pages

The primary Profile Pages in Committee include:


The following is the suggested order of tasks in setting up and managing your Committees and their Participants in netFORUM:

  1. Define the business rules you will use for the committees your organization will create. Consider the types of committees you will need and how you will manage them, including the nomination processes, before you begin the committee set-up process and before you begin adding committees and their members. You should have a good idea of what types you will need, if you will nominate members through a voting process or simply add them to committees (or both), and what types of positions should be available within committees to assign people to once they become members. Once you have an idea the business rules you will use for your committees you are ready to begin.
  2. Set-Up the Committee Drop-Down Lists. Many options available in the drop-down menus when you begin managing your Committees, Participants, and Nominees are set-up in Committee Setup. Before you begin creating committees and adding participants, you must specify what types of committees will be created, what committee positions will set-up for each committee, and what nomination statuses will be used. All these functions are defined within Committee Setup.
  3. Add your Committees. Once your set-up values have been defined, begin adding the committees your organization will use. Remember the powerful functionality available in netFORUM such as the ability to add a subcommittee and add and rank committee positions specific to committee.
  4. Manage Committee Members. Once your committee is set-up with subcommittees and positions, you are ready to begin managing the members of each. Depending upon the business rules you have in place you may add a committee member directly or, if you have a nomination process in place, you may add a nomination to a committee instead and go through a nomination/voting process for each committee. You even have the ability to enter a future participant should you choose.
  5. Maintain Committee Documents and Historical Activity. netFORUM enables you to maintain committee documents through the Committee Profile so that you may distribute meeting minutes and all other important committee documentation. Further, historical participation activity and records are maintained as well through carefully managing end dates.


netFORUM uses drop-down lists for easy data entry. You will need to set-up the lists with information specific to the kinds of committees and nominating processes you will use (e.g., you will set-up types of committees, committee positions, nomination status, etc.).

The setup links can be accessed from the Overview group item or by clicking the CommitteeSetup page hyperlink found on the CommitteesOverview page.

The following items can be set up in the Committee module:

After your Committee information has been set-up, manage the committee and participant information from the committee, participant, and nominee profiles including the common tasks detailed below.

Common Tasks

The most common tasks within Committee are displayed directly on the Overview page and can be accessed by simply clicking the respective icon. These, along with other common tasks, can also be found in the Group Items.

Tip: It is strongly encouraged that you complete the necessary setup tasks for your committees prior to using the Committee module. This will ensure that the drop-down menus needed to add various objects are populated with accurate choices.